Détails de l'exemplaire
Yabby You And Michael Prophet - In Dub

In Dub

Yabby You And Michael Prophet


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Prophet Record


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Record date : 1979-81

Album style : roots, dub

Playlist :
A1 Yabby You – Upright Integrety Dub
A2 Yabby You – Going In To The Hills Dub
A3 Yabby You – Lying Stories In Dub
A4 Yabby You – Dance Hall Ginal Dub
A5 Yabby You – Loving Dubbing

B1 Michael Prophet – I Love My Lady
B2 Michael Prophet – Lady Love Dub
B3 Michael Prophet – Children Obey Your Parents
B4 Michael Prophet – Protection Dub
B5 Michael Prophet – Impossible Dub

Engineer : Scientist

Producer : Yabby You

Backing Band : Prophets

Studios :
Recording : Channel One (Kingston, JA)
Mixing : King Tubby's (Kingston, JA)

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